Ha! Yearly Check in.
I still check this site occasionally. Life is indeed good. Finally retired. Collecting a decent social security payment since I paid into it a lot of years when I had a...
Type: Posts; User: JaxSon
Ha! Yearly Check in.
I still check this site occasionally. Life is indeed good. Finally retired. Collecting a decent social security payment since I paid into it a lot of years when I had a...
Some of us old Dawgs are still around. Life is good. Even though it's smoking hot here in San Antonio. Just finished 9 days in a row of either tying or breaking the record for high...
Wow, good question.
I was going to say "Fall Back and Punt" but that doesn't really apply either.
Seems like we never get any technical issues here anymore. This site has now basically...
Thanks! I appreciate that.
I honestly believe that we all want the same basic things in life: Peace, Freedom and Prosperity. And to leave a better world for our kids than what we had. We may...
Made him look bad.
Hey, strange thread to ask about such things but thanks for thinking about me.
I am a certified cancer survivor! Doc took out a huge tumor in my bladder that was preventing me from peeing. It was...
You the bestest!
Good question. I was thinking the same thing. I've reported spam several times in the past week or so and that crap is still there.
I was wondering if that might be it. No biggie. Thanks.
Sorry to ask such a dorky question but it's been a while. I click on Manage Attachments and nothing happens. Didn't there used to be a dialogue window pop up asking for upload options or url...
How about some good news. Latest biopsy results shows no sign of cancer. I was facing that BCG routine if things turned out differently. I was also thinking about refusing that. As it stands now, ...
Glad they're putting him away for a good, long time so that he can think about what he did and get some mind adjustment by his fellow inmates.
And yeah, how's your son doing after all of this? ...
Does it do the same if you have a VGA monitor hooked up instead of going thru HDMI? Just curious...
When I got out of the Navy way back when, I literally tripled my salary the very first year out in civilian life. Sometimes, I wish I would have stayed in the reserves just for the bennies but I...
I must admit that I check the website almost every day and yes, hardly any activity at all.
It was really neat that I got to meet Pinnacle in person when he came through this part of Texas. I'm...
Merry Christmas to you too GreenE. Hope you're healthy, happy and safe. And to one and all!
"Noninvasive high-grade papillary urothelial carcinoma. No evidence of invasive carcinoma."
So good news from the pathologist! They think he cut out all of the bad stuff. He showed me a pic of...
Quick update: the doc went back in up my wang (this time, they gave me general anesthetic) and took out a tumor about the size of a ping pong ball. He says everything went very well, have a...
Wow, attempted murder and 3 felonious assaults. Hope they hang him out to dry.
So my doc went up my wang yesterday (btw, it wasn't as bad as everyone thinks) and found a "large cancerous tumor" on the inside wall of my bladder. He wants to go in the first week of December and...
What the hell!!! Hope they put his ass away for a long time. He'll find out what personal space means real quick.
Absolutely great news all the way around. And yes, upload some stuff. I/we would like to see some.
Glad to hear you like your new teeth. My dentist wants to remove my lower front teeth and...
Yes, Merry Christmas to you too! I got to spend time with my kids, really nice having them live close by as it's only a 45 minute drive to my daughter's house.
Bought myself some tickets to the...