Quote Originally Posted by Tekboy View Post
Absolutely. Conversely, have some common sense. Do NOT let someone talk your rate down because you are new. Just. Don't.

One of the advantages I had in my business in Alaska was the fact that I play well with humans, which is more rare in our business than in most. I have found that most people who spend lots of time with computers tend to lack people skills. Customer service is a must.

1) If you don't take good care of the customer, someone else will.

2) The customer is always right, unless he/she is about to screw themselves, at which time you tactfully inform them of such.

3) Remember attention to detail. If you do a good job, they will tell both of their friends. If you don't do a good job, they will tell everyone until they get tired of talking about it.

4) You are a small business, which means you are broke. Even if your account looks phat for a while, you are broke. However, for this reason, as soon as possible, get liability insurance.

There is more. Make people pay when they insult your intelligence, but make them like it.
5) If a Teen boy using the computer there is PORN.. EVERYTIME