Quote Originally Posted by Webhead View Post
That's not an answer. If you went to McDonalds and they served you a cold hamburger, you wouldn't bring it back to the counter and expect them to say, "What's wrong with a cold hamburger? We eat cold hamburgers all the time and are fine with it." Sorry, that doesn't fly. I want to be able to list IP addresses numerically. I used to be able to in WK2K3 and earlier and this is recognized as a bug. It should be fixed. This has nothing to do with Mac computers. I'm talking specifically about Windows Server 2008 R2 and 2012 R2.
Actually, that was an answer, and I'm sorry that it didn't fit into your overly anal retentive and OCD view of reality. It hurts me to agree with CeeBee and say this is a pretty minor bug, but if you were to take your head out of your butt and deal with some other operating systems, I promise you that you would encounter plenty of frustrations. It isn't just MS software that can make you crazy.