I like the iPad that work have given me for my day to day wander around campus activities. It is completely unfunctional for my work needs, yet I can see my e-mail so able to respond more speedily. I'm not able to connect to our servers or the ip database, but hey it looks cool and for home use, it's awesome. The wife loves it and has managed to up her Candy Crush levels no end on the bigger screen.

My iPhone however I have developed a deep loathing for, not just for the fact I have to use iTunes, which I think is some kind of punishment handed down for the wrongs I must have committed in a previous life....

It also randomly decides whether it will notify me of messages, e-mails or even ring when someone calls me and lately it's taken to changing my iTunes App Store settings to US instead of UK (something that I am not allowed to do manually....) Hence every time I need to update an app or want to download something, I need to change the store settings back to UK because it quite happily tells me that I can't use the US store as I live in the UK. Even a new Apple ID fails to stop it from changing on its whim.

Today though is the straw that could possibly break the Camel's back. Whilst in the shower, my iPhone sat in the other room, quite clearly bored at no-one looking up bus times on it decided to fire up the Voice Activation, and despite the room being empty seemed to be able to randomly call people in my Contacts. I discovered it doing this at 0618 hrs. I am not a popular person today, examples of replies "WTF dude? Why are you ringing me and then hanging up at this time" or "Is everything ok? I'm concerned that you called me then hung up and now I can't call you back"

Yes Apple - I can quite honestly say I think your computers and your phones suck, I dislike them intently and with such ferocity a lion-ness defending her cubs can only match the desire I have to smash everything with an Apple sticker on it. Except the iPad, it keeps the wife quiet in the car, and for that I thank you, however I'm sure the Galaxy Tablet that is coming free with my Samsung S4 will do the job just as well.

Thank you for allowing me to rant, I bid you good day whilst I continue with my apology messages....