Quote Originally Posted by slgrieb View Post
In Texas, in order to pass state safety inspection, the front side windows have to meet state standards, but it is OK to have the rear side windows much darker. And no, off hand I can't tell you the standards. But, a few years ago, I had to peal off the tint film on the front side windows to pass a safety inspection.
That's how it was when I lived in pennsylvania, but here in ohio there are absolutely no inspections. I've seen a pickup truck on the freeway that had obviously been in a rollover accident. I've seen a pickup that was t boned and the passenger side was pushed in at least a foot and a half. Vehicles with giant rust holes, you name it. If it runs, people drive it and somehow it's legal.

Tint laws here are 50% is the lowest you can go on the front windows, anything goes on the the rear.

I always said I would never own a ford, but I am super impressed with this car so far. It gets great mileage, has amazing technology built into it and seems to be a very well built and reliable car. A red SHO pulled into my parking lot at work yesterday, so I went out and talked to the guy. He bought his with 35K miles on it and is up to 158K now, has not had a single problem with it, just chnages the oil and does regular maintenance. I've continued looking at them for sale within 200 miles of me since I got mine and still have not seen one within 2-3 grand of what I paid for the same model and miles. It's rare to see one under 18K unless it has 120K or more miles on it.