Quote Originally Posted by slgrieb View Post
That's an interesting site and product. Maybe I'll try the product. My problem is that now I'm so cynical, I mistrust everything. I know that's a screwed up way of thinking, but that's just where my mind is these days. Still, thanks for the tip. I'll think about it.
My B&C has gotten hooked on the "People's Chemist" and the products he hawks. https://thepeopleschemist.com/

He swears by the products because he got his mother off meds for diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol. I give him credit, she really does look better and even though it's pretty obvious she's got dementia, she tries to have conversations and she's more active - she actually wants to go outside and walk around when a year or two ago this same time of year she couldn't be bothered. She's 94.