What do you guys use to stream and what makes it good?

I will start.

I use Netflix:

The good - Its cheap. 8 bucks a month for more programming than one can possibly watch. They have some awesome original programming as well. You can share an account.

The bad - They don't keep their apps up to date and quite frankly, the website is ugly.

The ugly - As good as the quantity of their content is, the quality is not so great. Few contracts with even fewer studios mean you won't be seeing very many new releases.

Amazon Prime:

The good - In addition to tons of programming like Netflix, you also get deals on shipping when buying from their website.

The bad - Their cataloging system. If you are looking for something random like TV programs, it will tell you that you have 300 choices, when in reality, each season of a program is one of the 300.

The ugly - It buffers...a lot. The interface for our Roku sucks.

The Extra - you can rent new release movies and not leave the couch. It is like having a Redbox in your living room.

So what do you guys use?