Quote Originally Posted by Gazzak View Post
I just purchased an HP laptop for my daughter for university. It was so full of cr*pware from HP and Microsoft that rather than clean it up it was easier to re-install a clean OS without all the sh**.

Windows 10, just horrible.
Yeah, if you buy a Big Name computer (laptop or otherwise) you get a bunch of junkware. I guess that's how they differentiate their brand when basically, on comparable models, all the hardware is virtually identical.

Personally, I've been very pleased with Win10, and so have most of my clients. I rolled back one installation to Win7 due to performance issues with some very obscure tax software, but I'm extremely pleased with Win10 and the Anniversary Update also.

Today, I just found my second application that the anniversary update breaks: WordPerfect X3. Unlikely to be an issue for most folks, I think.

Still, if you have an issue with the anniversary update, you can download the Windows Update Troubleshooter and use it to hide the update.

Using the tool is pretty simple, just remember that the tool only checks installed updates, so run it before removing the anniversary update. I know this seems obvious, but I can assure you that to at least a couple of people I know, it wasn't. If in doubt, check out youtube.

Also, be aware that you only have 10 days to remove the anniversary update and revert to your previous version of Windows.