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Thread: Anyone try Windows 10 yet?

  1. #11
    Senior Member Webhead's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Larommi View Post
    I think it goes back to 7? I would have to look again. I know XP was not part of it.

    I have NO plans to upgrade to it on any of my computers unless I need it for tech work that I do on the side.
    Oh yeah. I'm definitely giving it at least a year before I start recommending it to people or upgrading here at work. But it all depends. In other words, I'll let everyone else try it out first. It's cool. I'm in no hurry.

  2. #12
    Senior Member slgrieb's Avatar
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    I've run it in a VM, and it was OK, but I didn't have an orgasm. For my largest business clients, their upgrades are largely determined by the custom apps they run. For instance, some clients run software that will only work with IE 8 or 9.

    While 10 offers some improvements over Win8.x, at the same time, I think the release is premature. Just when many folks are getting used to Win 8.1, MS tosses out an update that sorta kinda but not really resembles Win7, and offers users yet another learning curve. joy. Face it: this isn't going to be the Windows release that sells a hundred million PCs.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member ilovetheusers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slgrieb View Post
    While 10 offers some improvements over Win8.x, at the same time, I think the release is premature. Just when many folks are getting used to Win 8.1, MS tosses out an update that sorta kinda but not really resembles Win7, and offers users yet another learning curve. joy. Face it: this isn't going to be the Windows release that sells a hundred million PCs.
    I think this is accurate. That said, removing gestures and corners as the main way to get from start to desktop is a huge boon. I've been running into a lot of people that have 8.1 and they despise it and have no idea they can get to the desktop at all.

    Anyway, the reason that I quoted you was about selling a hundred million PC's. When Vista came out, no one wanted it and PC sales declined. When Win 7 came out, PC sales soared again, and then 8 came out and people don't want it so they don't buy. I really think that MS and it's foolish decisions have a hell of a lot to do with PC sales. We keep reading, "is the desktop dead" and the answer is still NOPE, with the caveat that it'll sell well if people can use something familiar.

    MS should just tighten up their existing OS's security and add in functionality for more stuff instead of "innovating".

  4. #14
    Senior Member slgrieb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ilovetheusers View Post
    I think this is accurate. That said, removing gestures and corners as the main way to get from start to desktop is a huge boon. I've been running into a lot of people that have 8.1 and they despise it and have no idea they can get to the desktop at all.

    Anyway, the reason that I quoted you was about selling a hundred million PC's. When Vista came out, no one wanted it and PC sales declined. When Win 7 came out, PC sales soared again, and then 8 came out and people don't want it so they don't buy. I really think that MS and it's foolish decisions have a hell of a lot to do with PC sales. We keep reading, "is the desktop dead" and the answer is still NOPE, with the caveat that it'll sell well if people can use something familiar.

    MS should just tighten up their existing OS's security and add in functionality for more stuff instead of "innovating".
    The biggest problem with Win 8.1 is that most vendors continue to do a lousy job of setting it up and still burden users with a ton of crapware. I think the Metro/modern interface or whatever the Hell MS wants to call it was a good try at an interface that bridges desktop and mobile device interfaces, but in the mobile world, Windows has lost. So that left MS pushing an interface that just pissed off most users. Most of my computers run Win7, and my primary machine runs Win8.1. I don't have any serious problems dealing with Win8.1, but I bought my first computer back around 1981 and it ran CP/M 80, so I've been through a lot of OSs in my time

    Face it; the members on this forum are not representative of most computer users. That skews our perceptions.
    Yes, Mr. Death... I'll play you a game! But not CHESS !!! BAH... FOOEY! My game is...

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